When there's human interaction, conflicts will tend to happen. Most of the time, we do not want these conflicts to occur as it will cause delays and sour relationships.

Of the many conflicts that happened, the following is one of the bigger ones.

It happened when I was in the first year of junior college. My class was seperated into groups of 4 to do project work and I was tasked to be group leader. Time was ticking and the deadline to hand up our 2000 word report was reaching faster than we would like it to be. We were only halfway through so we sent our work into overdrive. However, one of my group members, Ah Kow, did not feel the need to rush. He took his time to complete his parts and seldom contribute to ideas.

I remember it was the second last meeting we held for the project. There was only 2 weeks left before the deadline. That very morning, Ah Kow gave me a call saying that he will be unable to make it for the meeting. He was tied up with "family business" and told us to go on without him. I was mad, but since it was family business, it must had been important. I let it slip and told the rest of the group to continue.

During the meeting, we veered off course and had a serious discussion about Ah Kow. One of my group members suggested we gave him a call just to check whether he was done and maybe can still come down for the last part of our meeting. We were unable to get Ah Kow on his handphone so we gave his home a call. When we asked his mother where he was, she said he went to Orchard to do some shopping. We were furious. What shopping could have been more important than our project work?!

As a group leader, I was responsible for making the right choice on dealing with Ah Kow. Even though he was late in submitting his parts, his work was up to standard. If we were too harsh to him now, he might just give up his work and thus increasing our workload for the rest of the project (Not to forget, we share the grades in the end). However, we also have to put him in place and make him rethink about his priorities; project compared to shopping.

What should I have done? Let me know whether I did the right thing.

Source: http://ayushveda.com/blogs/business/files/2009/10/conflict2.jpg